Zippys small building but mighty good ribs and brisket. Cooked in a stone pit smoker just out side the door.
Stacks of smoking wood stand along side the small fast food looking building. They have a drive up window and setting for maybe 4. the ribs and the service is the best I have ever had. If your in the Waterloo Cedar Falls IA area you need to get to Zippy's you will enjoy every thing on the menu. Located just South of down town Cedar Falls on 2010 Main street just stick you head out the window and follow your nose. I ordered to go and had them in my hotel!
There web site is http://www.zippysbbq.com

Its a sad day Zippys is CLOSED! THE SMOKER IS DOWN what shame for a great BBQ
ReplyDeleteZippys bbq is coming back!! Spring of 2018!! Catering and Delivery!! http://zippysbbq.com. Thanks for spreading the word Zippy . Love the old pictures thanks for sharing!!